Women Taking The Stage: Enya White

Photo: @blacktrapeze

Photo: @blacktrapeze

Our next performer is Enya White is from Montreal . Canada. Enya is a trapeze artist working on the show Luzia by Cirque du Soleil. Next to her work as trapeze artist she is a writer and a YouTuber.

What's your morning ritual?
I wake up, have breakfast with my husband, write my morning pages, then hit the gym, and go on with the rest of my day. Training and taking time for myself to reflect is important for me to stay sane and healthy.

Tell us about a normal workday.
I wake up, do my morning routine, head to work depending on my rehearsal schedule on stage or backstage. My workdays are pretty light. My schedule includes a lot of free time to make sure I have enough time to rest, train well, and work on side projects before the show. If I don't have any rehearsals during the day, I spend my time exploring the city, try new workout classes in local studios, catch up with friends, work on personal projects. Around 5-6 pm, I head to the big top, put my make up on, do my hair, eat dinner, warmup, do the show, cool down, head back home, unwind from all the adrenaline, go to bed early to be ready to start the whole thing all over again the next day.

What do you love most about what you do?
What I love most about my job: Freedom. Apart from the days where I have planned rehearsals, my schedule leaves me a ton of time to do lots of things. I live out of my passion, get paid to fly like a bird every night, and travel the world doing what I love. I'm an explorer and I always have the opportunity to re-invent myself. What else could I ask for? 😉

Tell us about what you do on your free days?
I like to go out and explore, replenish my energy for the week coming ahead. On tour, we only have Monday off so it's important to make sure I can perform at my best at all times. I watch movies, spend quality time with my husband. He's a technician on the show so we don't see each other often as he has a very different schedule.

In what ways do you empower yourself in order to empower others?
I make sure to treat myself with respect so it shows others how I want them to treat me. Respect starts with yourself and then it goes outwards. I thrive when I learn, grow, and expand outside of my comfort zone. I am also always trying to spread positivity and inspiration across my different platforms. I love to help others in any way that I can. I find that exploring and growing as a human being helps me be better around others and I can better attend other people's needs. If you don't take care of yourself how can you help others?

What's on your bucket list?
Buy a home, have a family, publish my 1st of many books, explore and see more for the world especially Europe, Australia, Japan, New Zealand.

Words of advice to your younger self?
Not be afraid to say no. Stand up for yourself and act with more confidence. You don't have to wait to feel confident to act like you are. Confidence comes with time. Know yourself, learn to love yourself, and if there are things you are uncomfortable with facing them and find a way to change them. Ask for what you want. The worst thing that can happen is that people will tell you no.

What gets you into bed at night?
Unwinding from my day, quick snack, shower, journal, plan for the next day, sometimes watch a series or movie. What gets me to bed is the excitement about the day to come and the opportunity to do even better than yesterday. I thrive by chasing perfection. I know I won't likely ever achieve it, but the idea of it keeps me going forward in life.

What's your favorite Noilence piece?
I am not a big accessories girl with the nature of my job, but the demolition earrings are truly beautiful and have a style I love.

You can find Enya under
IG: @blacktrapeze
Youtube: Blacktrapeze
FB: Blacktrapeze

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